I understand why the Japanese and other world governments haven’t been telling us the truth about the meltdown at the plant. There is very little to be done with their population to keep them entirely safe.
Why they didn’t deploy the Chernobyl technique of entombing the plant in cement once the salt water last-ditch effort started, I don’t know. They are needlessly exposing their people to radiation and the world to a constant stream of radioactive material.
We’ve heard everything from “experts” who are operating almost entirely in the dark from – it’s not going to be as bad as 3 Mile Island during the first few days of the crisis – to yesterday, from several scientists, the belief it had already surpassed the Chernobyl disaster, at a level 7 plant disaster. The French officials today have put it at a 6. The Japanese increased it from a 4 to a 5 today.
I have been staying out of the prediction business as of late because we are in a very negative cycle that we are going to have to live through. Now is the time of reckoning, we are past the point of being able to stop the worst of the karma we have inflicted. I don’t like to be negative. And I don’t like freaking people out. Instead I urge everyone to pray for the health of the planet and to use spiritual protection for your families and yourselves.
I have had a series of very disturbing dreams and visitations, starting last summer. Due to these I knew revolutions were coming and many other terrifying things. Here’s the thing, we as individuals can’t do much to change what is happening. However we can use our power of visualization, prayer and positive energy to help those in need and to help offset the worst of the energy and protect the innocent.
I truly wish we could get the truth from Japan about the real levels coming out of this plant. I would urge all Americans to not believe the notion that the levels of radiation are going to be negligible especially in regards to children. As adults the effects will not be as severe however children are still developing.
Let’s just use pure logic. There are reports that as many as 6 of the reactors could be melting down or have melted down. If you times that by the one nuclear meltdown that happened at Chernobyl you can see that the real truth could be a level 7 times six reactors. I’m not saying this is going to happen. I have a strong intuition based on a series of dreams that at least 2 will probably melt down at least partially and be at Chernobyl levels if not more. No one is talking about the reality of these problems and the effect it will have on the entire planet. In fact I don’t think anyone wants to even consider how big this disaster truly could become if all of those reactors melted down.
So what to do? If the radioactive cloud comes your way and you live in a drafty old house like I do, then seal up the areas where drafts are with heavy plastic and duct tape. Keep extra water, canned goods and a basic emergency kit so you don’t have to leave your home for at least a few days if not longer. And of course stay inside as much as possible. Turn off your ventilation system to the outside – which would mean any central or air and heating. Just use space heaters and regular fans for those periods when there is radioactive fall out in your area.
Something no one is talking about is that there have been radioactive levels have been found here in CA. I saw evidence that levels were much higher than had been reported yesterday in the area of Bakersfield where an independent company took a reading.
Historically governments don’t tell people much because they don’t want to create panic and they really don’t know what to do. I don’t think it’s because they are evil. I know from my own experience, one doesn’t want people to lose sight of other important things and for most people there is little they can do.
From first hand experience (here in the Los Angeles area) yesterday and today – I went outside. The sky had a strange orange glow and there was a light ash coming down which had covered both my cars (which are black). I was out in the environment for a total of about half an hour on and off while doing errands and my lungs hurt.
Today I went out for about five minutes and my nose began running immediately and my lungs again hurt. For what it’s worth, I don’t have lung issues and once I went inside my nose stopped running. This maybe anecdotal evidence that something strange is going on, but that’s all we have as there are no hard facts. I have found no solid hard numbers. One thing will come out and contradict another. It’s very confusing.
Trust your own intuition.
If you have kids and you live on the west coast (or anywhere you feel there is something odd going on) make sure to keep them indoors and if you have to go outside wear stuff you can wash and take them off once you get inside, throw your stuff (including your shoes, so wear tennis shoes or something washable) in the washing machine, take a shower so you don’t spread any radiation around your home.
While small levels (if this info is even true) won’t bother grown ups, it can have adverse health effects for young children down the road. It’s not worth taking the risk. If one does all these things you and your family should be fine. Also later, make sure that any milk you buy has been tested for radiation or buy from an area that has for sure not been effected. Milk is one food that will be most affected from any radiation.
And also important, pray. Use the lesser pentagram ritual I have posted on this site and ask the Great Spirit for guidance and clarity. You will hear the voice of the Great Spirit in dreams, also as a small voice that is charged with emotion deep inside yourself. We are all part of God. The more we connect with the Great Spirit, the more protected and at one with the will of the Universe we become.
Many blessings, keep safe and trust your intuition,
For those who don’t feel they have much intuition or know how to access it, the best way is through meditation. You can look online for techniques that resonate with your beliefs and personality.