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Barack Obama – his chart, who is he?


It’s interesting to see how prevalent the 7th house is in the charts of politicians. As law makers it makes sense being that the 7th house rules courts and justice as well as partnerships, the public and open enemies.

In Barack’s case we see a lot of 7th house action, his mind is defintely occupied with issues of fairness, equality and service. His Leo sun is reigned in by the 6th house of service so any bombast is tempered with his desire to serve coupled with his opposition to Uranus in the 7th and his Aquarius rising he has strong desire to serve humanity.

With his Pluto in the 7th his partner is strong, as we know. And has great influence, as well as Joe Biden will. He takes into consideration other points of view and weighs them heavily in his decision making process.

Moon in Gemini trine his Jupiter gives him a cool emotional demeanor and an understanding of both foreign and domestic people. His childhood would involve a lot of emotional ups and downs and moving quite a bit, this is also public knowledge but is indicated in his chart. His mother was an intellectual and teacher, (Moon in Gemini in the 4th) this created great opportunity for him to grow intellectually as moon trines his Mercury in the 6th. Again he puts his knowledge into serving the greater good. Not surprising he would become a community organizer as his need to serve is strong and taught him a lot about the world and himself.

Mars in Virgo in the 6th again reinforces his desire to play fair and serve others in the process which is probably why he was attracted to law. but the kind of law he was interested in and is interested in is focused on workers and their plight, those that serve others, he identifies with them which is part of his passion to serve.

He has the ability to think outside the box (Aquarius rising) but this is balanced by many factors in his chart which enable him to think in gradations of color as opposed to the black and white world of someone like Sarah Palin who has a proponderance of fixed signs and too much Aquarius in her chart leading her into the realm of magical thinking and the inability to listen to others, this quality often referred derogatorily as “a know it all,” is not present in Barack Obama. His chart is balanced with all the elements and enough mutable signs to offset his fixed sun and rising. He is strong in his convictions without being married to his ideas, able to amend his position to changes that come along when necessary and capable of listening to a good case and changing his mind to fit the facts and circumstances.

His emotional center is his home life, his wife and children, and his mother. Jupiter in Aquarius in the 12th making a trine to his moon will ultimately be a great benefit, just as the chips look down for him luck strikes and fate helps him along. 

All in all he is compassionate, service orientated, humanitarian and extremely intelligent, if this makes him an elitist then we should all be so lucky as to be called this. His excellent aspects make him capable in many ways, not just his general intelligence, ability to understand the working person, his service oriented personality but also he understands finances not just the big picture but the details of the economy. Notice the trine between Saturn in Capricorn in the 12th and Mars in Virgo. He understands what is going on behind the scenes, things we the public do not see and knows how to fix this via legislation, Mars in the 7th in Virgo. It’s no surprise that the top wealthiest among us those in the top one percent fear him because he is not going to be a giant help to them but rather to us, the everyday people who work for a living. He has many enemies in that elite group and it will be no surprise that they will pull out all the stops to make sure he’s not elected including resulting to fear tactics (geared to the naive) which will more than likely be their main focus in trying to take him down. But alas, he does have Jupiter there to save him. So he does have hidden forces who support him and luck on his side.

He will restore our good name in the world and put our economy back on track and with all the Virgo in his chart he will reform health care for the betterment of us in the middle class.

So make sure to vote!

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